We rock your socks off!
So all of our videos are being highly anticipated and we know you guys could not wait any longer so we thought we'd tell you when the videos will be posted on the site right now were in the post video prepping situation so were planning out how the videos will look which will probably be really cool since all of the brisk face members including Cleo & Emma will be in them! /the first video to end up on the site will probably be the one for the song called BRISK FACE which we just recorded a few days ago so everybody be ready mind blowing videos! 
Brisk Face is now going green! (well not really. we just have new logos that have plants in them) The new photo on the top of every page is just one of the many new logos!
 we just recorded our first song and I have to tell you it's pretty amazing! We bet that we'll catch all of you dancing to it in your room when you start the song. It's so catchy in fact you might even sing it in the shower. It's called BRISK FACE and you'll find it on album number one which will hopefully come out soon and will maybe feature a bonus music video if we like you guys enough so be nice and look through all the stores you can find until you get to the special brisk face CD's!
Emma, Cleo, Tulsa, Sarah and Spencer all in NEON!!!!!
Our camera lady Sarah just created her own website! Here is the link:
(copy and paste in the URL)
So if you guys haven't noticed there's a poll in the games section that asks you guys who's the better band member. so if you would like to answer that then just click on games and it's at the bottom of the page. Just click your answer and then you can see what the others have voted. 
We are in need of a security guard. If you think you are right for the job please comment below and tell us about yourself.

hey if you guys haven't noticed some of the pages have magically disappeared but to find them again you just have to click more which is where you'll find pages called:
-E-mail comments
-About us
in E-mail comments (do I really have to explain it?) in about us it shows you a little bit about the coolio kids in the band Cleo and Emma who are totally amazing and our so awesome you'll be coming to this site over and over just to see them! In crew you can see who some of the people in that help us out.
Well since we never actually showed up for the MMVA's we had a feeling you guys would be waiting for us to tell you what happened. Our tour bus broke at the side of the road when our bus driver thought the road was straight and took a bathroom break while putting a rock on the pedal so we wouldn't think he was slacking on the job. Unfortunately that cost us a LOT of time so we just couldn't push our weary bones any further and make it to the MMVA's!
We haven't made a music video yet for any of our songs but pretty soon that will all change this summer we'll be recording a whole bunch of new brisk face stuff! We all know you guys can't wait to see our talent out in the open and how much you guys all love us soooooooo very dearly, but you'll just have to wait until they come out so hahaha suckers! be prepared for the most amazing brisk face summer ever!