We rock your socks off!
Alright kids its the moment you've been waiting for we have the results for the poll about who's the better band mate! So sadly we had an unfortunate win as Emma took the crown although Cleo had very many votes she just couldn't keep up with the evil scheme going on behind her back to make emma win! So there you have it Emma has won bets band member of the year lets see what you vote next time and lets hope its the right one!
We just finished recording pandas in the moon light and it's pretty amazing I must say plus don't forget to check out all of our cheesy good delights( videos) on youtube at www.youtube/briskface.com it's pretty much as good as gazpacho sauce! Plus take a look at some of our fave videos right here!    
Now we have even more videos on our site. You guys can watch us in our free time and at Brisk Face special occasions signing autographs and such. So we'll keep you posted while you guys want more! 
As you know Brisk Face was shooting Music Videos over the past week and a half, but to tell the truth it took us all of two days to film 1 1/2 music videos. So what did we do when we weren't filming music videos? We went shopping and returned with the purchases of clothes, books and candy. We went out to the lake for two days and spent the majority of our time out there tubing. We also went to visit our relatives out in the village of Plum Coulee (Slum Coulee). Played A LOT of bored games (get it? BORED games!). Watched Music Videos on TV and some movies too. We taught Sarah, the camera lady, how to dance (she still hasn't learnt). And that pretty much sums it up! So you can tell we might have gotten a bit distracted from filming music videos, but hopefully we will have another Brisk Face reunion during new years or spring break or maybe even
July 18 - July 26 was when Brisk Face was together, but band member Cleo had to return home on July 27 early in the morning. So now that leaves me (Emma) alone where it is extremely boring. During the past week in a half Brisk Face has filmed 1 1/2 music videos (the completed one is on the website), filmed one interview and has lots of behind the scenes secret footage. You can find all of these videos on our Youtube channel (which is called Brisk Face obviously) Please subscribe and comment on our videos:)
Last week we had our first interview and we were very excited and it was amazing. To tell the truth it was just our camera person Sarah asking us questions but we told her everything you would want to know about our band and we got a whole bunch of great footage and we got our music video done for bowls on our heads which will be showing up on our site in just a few days or minutes or seconds... But the point is that we as a band have made lots of progress. Pretty soon you'll see us everywhere (on benches, on TV, on billboards and hopefully live in concert!)
If you guys havent's heard a few people have hacked Sarahs site and our pretending to be Sarah and Tulsa from the crew of our band. None of their material is true and we would just like to thank all of the fans that have actually stayed with us through this tough time because with fame and fortune comes people who hate you just for the love of it and yesthose people who made the site arte mean and they obviously don't know that we could've sued but too nice. so please do not visit the haters website!  
Hey guys Cleo's back from her vacay but will be leaving again soon but expect A LOT of new music videos and brisk face behind the scenes tapes in the next week or so. We'll be shooting our first music video very soon so everybody keep on checking on our site for the amazing things soon to come. 
Cleo is on vacation at the moment and will be till July 11th so it is just Emma for now!
Brisk Face now officially has a security guard, Whitney!